Discover uniqueness
Think Sensual Summer Camp for magical adult creatures.
We will be collectively cultivating the space to dance, discover and connect within the framework of the Touch&Play culture.
Our time together begins with an opening circle ritual and cultivating a community of care through our consent framework. In the morning each participant will have the opportunity to dance and explore in a smaller group guided with the same teacher every day. The afternoons will hold community offerings, ritual, and spaciousness to rest, play and integrate. Evenings are a call to of dance, play and exploration trough different jams, rituals and open spaces. Some of the themes we explore are Contact Improvisation, Movement & Dance, Consent & Communication, Self-Exploration, Sensuality & Sexuality, BDSM & kink, Nature & Wilderness, Community and Spirituality.
We will be collectively cultivating the space to dance, discover and connect within the framework of the Touch&Play culture.
MORNINGS: Each participant is part of one troupe. Each troupe meets in the morning and everyday is guided by the same leader.
AFTERNOON OFFERINGS: You can choose in the moment how you’d like to enjoy your afternoons.
SPACE TO INTEGRATE: Sharing groups, cuddle spaces, sauna, hot tub and acres of woods offer space to integrate our experiences.
EVENING ACTIVITIES: Evening activities will be full of intrique and delight! Curated dance spaces, ritual, costumes, an evening of performances, an exploratorium, and more!
Everyday we will journey with our Troupe, in a workshop framework with a guiding facilitator or a co-created group Lab experience. Each time the environment will change to explore the relationality of embodiment in space.
Shedding Light – Shedding Skin
offerd by Swan Aleon
What can be discovered as we come together through embodied poetry and shared humanity?
This experience oscillates between the seen and the unseen, the familiar and the elusive, the obvious and the mysterious. We’ll delve into realms of perception and relation in which dreams and waking life might cross paths. We’ll be reminded that edges are places of fertile encounter and symbiotic serendipity.
Drawing on tools and techniques from imaginal practice and applied, physical and paratheater, we’ll question some of the ideas, senses, and behaviors that shape our reality. Our bodies, voices, and visions are our main instruments, while nature, internal and external, is our main source of inspiration. Lucidity, after all, requires simplicity.
We occupy this space to be a little more honest with ourselves and with each other, a little more aware of the creative power of the imagination, and a little more sensitive to realms of perception that all too often goes unnoticed.
Center Stage: Theatrics, Somatics, Movement & Grace
offerd by Dawaune Lamont Hayes
Combining Free Movement, Vocal Release, Performance Expression, and Storytelling – this intensive is an opportunity for you to practice being the Center of Attention as your authentic self. We will start by getting into our bodies and comfortable expressing ourselves as a group, then we will identify characters, traits, and types of performance. Center Stage is about integrating charisma, confidence, and clarity into our daily lives.

In our revelry we remember to honour the seen and unseen energies that are dancing with us on this journey. We cultivate intentional spaces to be in reverence and relationship with the sacred spark of aliveness in everything. With love we offer and with love we receive.
Evening with Eros and Kink
offered by Daniel Joseph Hayes, Marie Murry & more!
Our first evening fusion exploring the tools, terminology, and nuances of setting up scenes and/or experiences through the nuanced approaches & lenses of BDSM, kink, sensuality & Eros. Beginning with demoing of scenes, followed by Q&A with experienced players, and then flowing into free exploration with toys & techniques.
Somatic Grief & Prayer Ritual
offerd by Leela
A gentle somatic ritual to support the heart and all that lives there. A space for grief and prayer and praise. This grief and prayer ritual is centered around a simple movement score, in order to invite grief, love, prayer, and presence to move through the body and be released in order to cultivate more space in and around the heart. Bring your grief, your longing, your love, your tears, your grumbly pain, your beauty, your Being.
Temple Time: Archetypal UnderscOrgy
offerd by Leela
In this evening of eros and play, we invite you to channel an archetypal energy that sings of your deepest desires. Whats Archetype is calling you? Perhaps the Maiden, the Crone, the Sacred Whore, the King, the Innocent, the Underworld. Perhaps Hades, perhaps Jesus, perhaps Mary Magdalene. The Dark Fairy, The Stillness of Stone, the Silliest Bimbo. Let your imagination and your heart lead you. We invite you to fully step into and embody your desire.
This temple will be a ritual of channeling your desire through archetypal imagination, embodiment, play, sexuality, sensuality, and kink in a sex-positive and post-sex-positive way. Weaving in elements of the Underscore (from contact improvisation), we will explore the play space as embodied ritual & group composition, with space for dancing and weaving in elements of CI. Cohosted with Casey Loomis / Rogue Pony.
Exploratorium – Ritual: Elements of Eros
offerd by Igna
A space to explore the different possibilities of sensuality, play and touch. Areas to explore with a Guardian or a pair of guardians that can be replaced thru the evening. The areas would vary depending on the emergent offerings. I can think of several like:
– Political kissing (kissing with an intention)
– Sensory exploration
– Discovering your erotic blueprint
– Playing with ropes
– Bite massage
– 3 minute games (taking – allowing)
– 3 minute games (accepting – serving)
– Tea ceremony
– Oracle conaulting
– Design playing
– Playfight
The Final Nite: Last Rite
offerd by Casey / Rogue Pony
On the final evening, an emergent threshold ritual to relish and honor our experiences in this co-created dream. We will dance, offer gratitude, connect and turn towards the horizon of the dawn of living in deeper connection with our desires and boundaries. A yummy and supportive opportunity to prepare for integration and the return. How do we carry the fruits of our time here together back into the other realms of our lives?

Our time together

We frame out spaces as being both Experimental and Experiential and invite you to be the principal author of your journey. Through that lens we gift the opportunity to contribute to and enrich the journeys of those around you.

We form an (a)temporal and interdependent community where all our thoughts, feelings and actions are woven together in a rich relational web.

How do you want to show up in this tribe and what do you want to offer? How do you want to participate and what would you like to contribute? What do you feel is needed?
Emergent collaboration
This event invites emergent collaboration with every participant attending. There will be ample opportunities for community offerings and magic of the moment to unfold, along with facilitated intensive workshops & evening events. Welcome to the Sensual Wizard Camp!
Our presence is the true intuitive gift in this container. Together we follow the thread of what is alive, guided by both our creative & emergent impulses & a luscious team of individuals.
Integration days
Traditionally after Touch&Play festival, has been a space for organizers and facilitators to integrate their event experiences and lab new emergent ideas and possibilities. This year the space has been extended to any participants who would like to join.
Touch&Play is a powerful intentional container, with the potential to move us deeply and emotionally, and bring forth long-lasting changes into one’s life. The days after the event are both tender and filled with enormous potential to catalyse conscious integration from this work.
These days are not organized by the Touch&Play and yet are surrounded by it’s culture. Integration days will not be directly facilitated or planned; there will be the option that participants take solo time or collectively organise and share community offers.
When you register you will be asked if you want to join the Integration days.